I am certain virtually
everyone has heard of the murder of Dr Tiller here in Wichita. This one
strikes close to home for us. Our new congregation meets right around
the corner from his infamous abortion clinic.
What a thing for a community to be known for! We are the abortion capital of the world. People literally come here from all over because you can get away with things here that you just cannot do elsewhere. Dr. Tiller would do things that no man of conscience could do.
Here is a link to an undercover video made of him bragging about his procedures and complaining about the born alive protection act. You’ll have to sign in and confirm you are over 18 if you wish to watch it because of a couple of his photos he shows at the beginning of the video. Dr. Tiller was giving a speech while being honored by the National Education Association as a hero. After said speech he was interviewed by some that he perceived as friends and appears not to realize he is on tape. He speaks rather freely of his monstrous trade. There are a couple of rather important quotes in that video:
What a thing for a community to be known for! We are the abortion capital of the world. People literally come here from all over because you can get away with things here that you just cannot do elsewhere. Dr. Tiller would do things that no man of conscience could do.
Here is a link to an undercover video made of him bragging about his procedures and complaining about the born alive protection act. You’ll have to sign in and confirm you are over 18 if you wish to watch it because of a couple of his photos he shows at the beginning of the video. Dr. Tiller was giving a speech while being honored by the National Education Association as a hero. After said speech he was interviewed by some that he perceived as friends and appears not to realize he is on tape. He speaks rather freely of his monstrous trade. There are a couple of rather important quotes in that video:
“Let’s say you have 15 or 16 and you had one slip out with a heartbeat, that is not a viable fetus, but that is born alive or has a heart beat. Then you have to take that non-viable fetus and rush it to the hospital against the woman’s wishes.”
“If the baby is born alive it is sloppy medicine and it shouldn’t be done.”
““I have done (them) up to the day before delivery.”