From an ex- eagle scout.

To whom it may concern:
I had to think a while before I wrote this letter. As I have gotten older, I have learned not to act rashly. I have now thought through what I must do, but do not wish to do.
I became an eagle scout in the 1970s. My mom hung the picture of our area wide “Eagle court of honor” in her hallway with pride until the day she died. When my sons came of age I encouraged them to becomes scouts. One of them also made it all the way to the coveted rank of eagle.
I had looked forward to my grandsons following the same course… and the privilege of sharing Scouting with them.
One of my fondest memories with my sons was at Philmont scout camp. We camped on the top of a mountain. The next morning we literally walked in the clouds as they rolled along the ground. Together we “touched the sky.”
I and my two sons swore the following oath as a prerequisite to our becoming scouts…(Each in our own generation)
Boy Scout Oath or PromiseOn my honor, I will do my bestTo do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law;To help other people at all times;To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.
Let’s see, the final point… the punch line of the oath that we swore, and you still post today has young men swearing to be… “MORALLY STRAIGHT!” How do you define “straight?” Even the homosexuals define “straight” the same way I do. Let’s see they use the words “gay” and “straight.”
You still post this oath… Did I miss something?