In today’s mailing
I would like to consider the impact of this prophecy straight from the mouth of
Jesus. I like to call this section of scripture “a sneak
peek at the final judgment!” Four things come out rather clearly
about said judgment:
- You are not going to just stand there like a bump on a log before the throne of God. You will speak, present your case, and be judged largely on what you have done with the words of Jesus. (Vs 24)
- What is today often described as “liberalism” would seem to be the direct cause of the condemnation of a vast majority of Christians in the day of judgment. I.E. A good conscience was not a substitute for a scriptural foundation for their faith.
- A religion based on hype rather than substance is an utter failure. I. E. Spirited, emotional worship is just not enough. (see also John 4:24)
- These folks absolutely did not consider themselves “liberal.” They would likely have called themselves “conservative”… but their works are of their own contrivance, i.e. they were not the works of Jesus.
Vs 13-14 The warnings about the broad road and the narrow road. Today this has become a cliché, everyone seems to quote it, few think through it’s implications.Vs 15-20 False teachers and their fruits…. Here Jesus gives us a key to our text for today. Vs. 20. "So then, you will know them by their fruits.” Note that in vs. 22-23 quoted above, what they considered a good work and evidence of their faith, Jesus considered an affront to His headship.
Vs 22-23 (Today’s text) Jesus condemns them for iniquity. NASV translates as Lawlessness. i.e. an assault on Jesus’ right to lead.
Vs 24-27 The wise man and foolish, building on the rock and the sand. Note: Vs. 24. "Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts on them, may be compared to a wise man . . .”
So for today’s
consideration, define lawlessness (iniquity in the KJV). Actually Jesus does
Vs. 26. "Everyone who hears these words of Mine and does not act on
them” If you follow the teaching or direction men rather than
Jesus… That is what He has condemned here.
Do you suppose any of them responded…
“But look at the good we are doing?”
Today, this is how we have wound up with
Churches charging admission (like the Pharisees in the temple), with
practicing homosexuals, and/or women preaching from the pulpit while claiming
to be doing the will of God, instrumental music diluting the sacrifice of our
lips and many more innovations of man.
Within the bounds of morality you can do
anything you want in your own name, but when you are doing things in the name
of Jesus … even if you define them as “many wonderful
works” you had better be sure Jesus also defines them as
When Jesus had finished these words, the crowds were amazed
at His teaching; for He was teaching them as {one} having authority, and not as
their scribes. Matthew 7:28-29
Well, these people
were shocked at the outcome . . . can you afford to be?
Can your find the things you do in the
name of Jesus, (or your church does) in the Bible?
For many churches, the authority that
scripture demands, remains… a shock, it has always
been a shock.
This would appear to be an important
is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit . . . and
truth." John 4:24.
Here is a list of things to see if you can find them in your Bible. I haven’t found them in mine…
- Any kind of denominational headquarters on earth (Jesus’ headquarters is at the right hand of God!)
- Any creeds other than the Bible (I Corinthians 1:10. Now I exhort you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all agree and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be made complete in the same mind and in the same judgment.)
- Any successor to Peter or the other apostles or prophets.
- Infant baptism or sprinkling baptism (See Romans 6)
- Laying your hand on the TV, praying, then sending them a check! Can you find any pleas to support all these Johnny come lately ministries?
- Any of these worldwide ministries (other the church itself, founded by Christ).
- Any organization on earth other than or larger than the local church. (Note in the bible the affiliations of the congregations were not with any denominational structure only with Jesus)
- Churches setting up hospitals, various types of benevolent homes, schools, daycare, baseball teams, carnivals etc.
- Churches selling or charging for anything? Churches selling cookies, sermon tapes, tickets to “fellowships” or “conferences” maybe even country music shows. Churches having “fundraisers” garage sales, auctions, special collections of every description.
- I recently saw a help wanted ad on a church sign. They wanted a base guitarist for their “contemporary” service. When did churches in the Bible use non Christians to direct any kind of worship service?
Note: you will find a contribution (I
Corinthians 16:1ff). You will also find people repeatedly selling in order to
give (acts 4:32-5:12). BUT! You will also notice the
church did not get involved…. Why? Do you suppose that one episode with
the money changers was enough?
words of Jesus have always shocked and amazed (Matthew 7:28)
you find the things that many churches spend their time doing in
your Bible?
you afford to wait until the judgment to see “if” Jesus approves?
Hi I am glad you stopped by our blog. These articles are from an emailing that we did several years ago. Today most of our work is on facebook
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If you wish to worship with us....
Las Vegas church of Christ
709 Dora Celeste
Las Vegas, NM 87701
Our meeting times are
10am Sunday morning for Bible study.
11am Sunday morning for the worship service.
6pm Wednesday evening for Midweek Bible study.
If you wish to contact me...
Be well
Jerry Blount